
The Georgia Review: “Memo to the Man Who Spat on Me” and “To My Future Child, Concerning Your Family History”

Selected Poetry Available Online

The Adroit Journal: "Animal Cruelty"

The Atlantic: “What You Missed”

Beloit Poetry Journal: "To the Supreme Associate Judges," and "You Have Two to Three Months, Maybe Less"

diode poetry journal: "Before the Diagnosis (Spring)," "Exorcism Lessons in the Heartland," and "Now I'm a foregone conclusion, the voices in my head talk and talk"

The Journal: "The Mound"

Poetry Daily: "To the Next Supreme Justice,"

Southern Humanities Review: "Tending" and "Vigil Hemming In" (first printed in Best New Poets 2016)

Washington Square Review: “Triptych”

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Barrow Street: "Complicated Grief"

Bat City Review: “Alone Together in the Small Hours”

Best New Poets 2019: 50 Poems from Emerging Writers: “After Arriving Home from Church and Learning Our Dogs Were Shot, Their Bodies in the Fields” (nominated by Crazyhorse, selected by Cate Marvin)

Best New Poets 2016: 50 Poems from Emerging Writers: "Vigil Hemming In" (selected by Mary Szybist)

Crazyhorse: "After Arriving Home from Church and Learning Our Dogs Were Shot, Their Bodies in the Fields"

Great River Review: “Halfway through the Book I’m Writing,” “Thorn Creek, Summer,” and “Three Exposures”

Gulf Coast: "To the Next Supreme Justice,"

Harvard Review: “Hymeneal”

The Hudson Review: “Acid Permanent” and “Red Speaks”

Indiana Review: "John Roberts,"

Iron Horse Literary Review: "Resuscitating a Paralyzed Woman"

Permafrost: "Reservoirs"

Ploughshares: “Epithalamion”

Provincetown Arts Magazine: “Prayer” (selected by Major Jackson)

Salt Hill: "Weight"

The Southeast Review: "Resurrected, a version of my mother dwells in silence"

Southern Humanities Review: "Epode"

Third Coast: "After Euthanizing the Wild Horses of the West" (Runner-up for the 2018 Third Coast Poetry Prize; selected by Sarah Kay)